If you are paying or receiving spousal support, there may be a time when your financial circumstances change so substantially that you may need to have the court order modified. One way to accomplish this is by reaching out to your former spouse and having a conversation about your situation, so you can work out a new agreement. If successful, you must still go through the appropriate legal channels to have it approved, but this is ultimately a speedier path toward modifying spousal support. If unsuccessful, however, you can petition the court with your request.
Requesting a Modification of Spousal Support
Whether you are attempting to increase or decrease your spousal support, you will need to prove that there was a significant change in your circumstances to successfully petition the court for a modification of spousal support.
Below are common reasons why courts may grant this request:
- A financial emergency, such as a medical emergency that resulted in large bills, occurred. Under these circumstances, either party may request an increase or decrease in support.
- Either party developed a disability, whether it be mental or physical, resulting in the need for more support or a need to decrease support payments.
- If the receiving party remarries or cohabitates with another partner, spousal support can be terminated.
- If the receiving party has a decreased need for support, spousal support may be reduced.
Moreover, if the need for decreased or increased support is only temporary, the modification may be temporary as well. For example, if the paying party becomes involuntarily unemployed, spousal support may be decreased until new employment is secured.
Schedule a Free Initial Case Review with a Skilled Member of Our Legal Team Today!
If you need to increase or decrease spousal support, the legal team at Labovitz Law Firm can provide the knowledgeable advice and guidance you need to secure the results you need. Our attorneys are backed by 16 years of combined experience and a commitment to protecting the interests of those we serve. We understand how important the outcome of such matters is for our clients and will work tirelessly on your behalf.
Do not hesitate to reach out to us today. Call our office at (817) 374-4056 to set up a free initial case review with a member of our legal team and learn more about what we can do for you.
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